Poll Worker & Election Challengers

Poll workers and election challengers need to follow the law. There is no place for partisan politics or voter intimidation in a polling location or absent voter counting board.

About Poll Workers (formally known as election inspectors):

  • Poll workers are trained by and answer to election officials and paid to help administer elections.
  • Poll workers take an oath to support the Michigan and U.S. Constitutions and faithfully discharge their duties.
  • Poll workers must express a preference for a political party. And some poll worker duties require two poll workers who have expressed preferences for different political parties.
  • Poll workers have the authority to maintain peace, regularity and order in the polling place and to require compliance with lawful instructions.
  • Poll workers’ jobs include (but aren’t limited to): 
    • Opening and closing the polls
    • Greeting voters
    • Processing voters
    • Issuing ballots to voters
    • Assisting voters, including voters with disabilities
    • Addressing tabulator issues
    • Processing and tabulating absentee ballots

What Poll Workers CanNOT Do:

  • Let partisan politics or their political affiliation interfere with them doing their job
  • Harass or intimidate voters or allow others to do so
  • Solicit voters or engage in any type of campaigning

About Election Challengers (also called poll challengers):

  • Election challengers are trained and credentialed volunteers who monitor the election process and ensure that Michigan’s election law is properly followed.
  • Election challengers can be credentialed by a political party or an organization
  • Election challengers are assigned to polling locations and absent voter counting boards throughout the state.
  • Election challengers may raise an official objection, called a “challenge” if the challenger has good reason to believe a voter is not eligible to vote in the precinct or if the challenger  has reason to believe  that a poll worker is not  following Michigan election law. That challenge is then addressed by an election official.

What Election Challengers CanNOT Do:

  • Let partisan politics or their political affiliation interfere with them doing their job
  • Harass or intimidate voters
  • Speak to voters
  • Touch any voting equipment or materials
  • Speak to poll workers other than the challenger liaison (this may change based on pending litigation)
  • Interfere with a poll worker/election inspectors ability to do their job
  • Make challenges without good reason, or for the purpose delay or annoyance.  
  • Election challengers cannot take photos, videos, or audio recordings inside a polling location, but they can possess an electronic device to take notes, read, etc, so long as it is not disruptive.
  •  The possession and use of electronic devices in an absent voter counting board is the subject on-ongoing litigation.
  • Challengers at an absent voter counting board cannot communicate with people outside while polling locations are still open.

Paid for by Progress Michigan, 614 Seymour Ave., Lansing, MI 48933